Pershing Law PLLC, Civel Rights, Elder Law, Mediation.


Here we will link to resources you might find useful, like free legal research, law library websites, information on frequently asked legal questions, web pages for federal and local government agencies and courts, legislative information for D.C., Maryland and Virginia, and where to go for recent court opinions in areas of law we typically address at this firm.

Our list starts with these (hover over names and subject areas to see clickable links):

Maryland People’s Law Library: a free, high-quality online self-help resource of the Maryland State Law Library. They have articles on family law, wills and probate, guardianship, and much more. This is an online treasury, one of the best of its kind in the country.

The D.C. Bar’s list of area law libraries, their hours and holdings.

Federal statutes:

Statutes enforced by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Title I (employment)

Voting Rights Act of 1965, Section 2 (prohibition on race discrimination in voting)

Laws of our local jurisdictions:

D.C. Code (searchable by subject area)

Maryland Code

Virginia Code


More to come.